It is no coincidence that Flobian® keeps health of our stomach. Anthropologists believe that our ancestors thousand years ago regularly consumed the good bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum that is in Flobian®.

Researchers actually claim that the entire gastrointestinal system, most likely developed in symbiosis with this specific probiotic cultures. (Göran Molin, Lactobacillus plantarum 299v, 2014. Unpublished)

Today the situation is different, so the probiotic culture Lp299v we bring in much smaller quantities.

One reason is a change of diet. This probiotic culture is mainly consumed in the plant food (hence the name plantarum). This means that the Lactobacillus plantarum can be found in fruits, berries, roots and plants which today consume much less.

Also, Lactobacillus plantarum is a product of the fermentation of lactic acid. Once our ancestors buried food in the country to save it lest it spoil. The fermentation of lactic acid is, among others, occurred during the process of food preservation. So our ancestors through the food consumed in the body a sufficient amount of good, probiotic cultures.

And regardless of whether it is Lp299v occurred as a product of fermentation or not brought through food had the same purpose: to protect us from bad bacteria and their passage into the blood.

Today, refrigeratortorsn and preservatives replaced fermentation of lactic acid and thus completely stopped our daily supply of probiotic culture Lactobacillus plantarum.

Jedan od razloga je promena načina ishrane. Naima, ova probiotska kultura se pretežno unosi kroz biljnu hranu (otuda naziv plantarum). Ovo znači da je Lactobacillus plantarum prisutan u voću, bobicama, korenju i biljkama kojih danas unosimo mnogo manje.

Takođe, Lactobacillus plantarum je proizvod fermentacije mlečne kiseline. Nekada su naši preci zakopavali hranu u zemlju da bi je sačuvali da se ne pokvari. Fermentacija mlečne kiseline se, između ostalog, javljala u toku ovog procesa čuvanja hrane. Tako su naši preci putem hrane u organizam unosili dovoljnu količinu ove dobre, probiotske kulture.

I bez obzira da li je Lp299v nastajao kao proizvod fermentacije ili se unosio putem hrane imao je istu svrhu: da nas zaštiti od loših bakterija i njihovog prolaska u krv.

Danas su frižideri, zamrzivači i konzervansi zamenili fermentaciju mlečne kiseline i na taj način potpuno obustavili naše svakodnevno snabdevanje probiotskom kulturom Lactobacillus plantarum.

Da se zapamti:

  • Danas se probiotska kultura Lp299v ne unosi u dovoljnim količinama
  • Smanjen unos probiotske kulture Lactobacillus plantarum dovodi do sve češće pojave gastrointestinalnih poremećaja: nadutosti, gasova i grčeva u stomaku.
  • Lactobacillus plantarum je u Srbiji jedino prisutan u preparatu Flobian®