At the University of Lund in Sweden in the early 90s, a team of surgeons, microbiologists and nutritionists studied the cases in which patients die after a heavy, but clinically successful surgical procedure. All of these patients have died due to sepsis and massive organ failure.

A team of experts started from the premise that sepsis was induced trans-location of bacteria, and that the intestine were weakened by starvation, food and medicines that were taken before or after surgery. These changes have caused an increase in the number of bad bacteria and toxins in the intestines.


Thanks to experts of various specialties who were members of the team, during that time very brave idea was born. As a solution to the proposed production of special bacterial culture that could rebuild the intestinal flora and strengthen the walls of the intestine, and thus reduce the flow of toxins and pathogens (bad bacteria) in the blood. This is a totally revolutionary and previously untested hypothesis.

There were many challenges. First they had to find all the bacteria that has for this purpose could take advantage of. Choosing the right bacteria was crucial, given that the team had to work with seriously ill people.

Their hard work was only possible thanks to a team of surgeons who were able to take a large number of biopsies (tissue fragments) as healthy and diseased bowel. After many years of work and comparing thousands of samples, the researchers finally found the “missing link”. Bacteria, which was a common inhabitant of healthy bowel, but is rarely present in the intestines of diseased patients. This bacteria is Lactobacillus plantarum.


Identifying the species Lactobacillus plantarum, however, was not enough. This species had hundreds of strains often have completely different effects, so that the work had to continue.

After many attempts, the researchers finally taking the strain with promising medicinal properties, which also proved to be extremely strong and resistant. This specific strain of Lactobacillus plantarum has successfully passed through the gastric environment. Most importantly, this strain is settled along the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract (mouth, small intestine and colon.) It was discovered after 299 attempts, so they called it Lp299v.


The first research with probiotic culture Lp299v was conducted on patients who were diagnosed multiple organ failure and that the doctors predicted that he would die. Antibiotic treatment they receive is completed, and then were given strain Lp299v through oatmeal. The results were dramatic. All patients recovered and left the intensive care (Stig Bengmark, MD, Luca Gianotti, MD 1996). Winning march of Flobian began.

To remember:

Since the early 90s conducted the first pilot study, researchers around the world have published more than 130 scientific reports and studies, the results of which have been published:

  • Flobian (Lp299v) improves the protective barrier in the gut that does not allow the passage of bad bacteria in the blood
  • at the same time reduces symptoms such as bloating, gas, cramps and abdominal pain.