A long-term solution

For gas, bloating and stomach cramps

Irritable colon

Flobian® is the only probiotic that affect ALL of the symptoms of irritable colon. Flobian® reduces frequency and severity up to 95% of irritable colon symptoms: gases, stomach pain and cramps, flatulence and irregular bowel discharge.

Resistant to acid environment

Floban® is resistant to stomach acids and due to that larger number of bacteria reach bowels and stats to resolve the problem.

Goes with antibiotics

Flobian® can be used with antibiotics as side therapy. It should be taken 2 hours before or after antibiotic.

100% Natural

Flobian® is completely natural product. Flobian® is completely safe, can be used by nursing and pregnant women.


Male, 36 years, anesthesiologist

A couple of years ago I have meteorism and frequent explosive stools. This was quite an issue for me, and represented a big problem for my job. Tests concluded that I have irritable colon. During the last year, I’ve been using various different products, but none of them helped. A little over a month ago, I’ve started using Flobian. I got better fast, I don’t have the sense of flatulence and stools are coming back to normal! I feel way better now, and I will keep using it.

Female, 58 years, doctor

Lately I had bothering flatulence on daily basis. I didn’t have any other problems and discharge was regular. I’ve started using Flobian and after a second day I felt relieved. I was so bloated it was ridiculous! I am so glad that this product is offering such a help. Now I am recommending it to my patients too!

Male, 69 years

After triple bypass surgery, medications irritated my stomach and I got chronic diarrhea for months. I was struggling daily on the toilet seat. The battle with the chronic stomach problems was endless until, on the doctors recommendation, I took Flobian and Bulardi Probiotic . Only after a couple of capsules symptoms started fading, and eventually disappearing after a few days.


Discovery probiotic cultures Lp229v

Discovery probiotic cultures Lp229v

Probiotic cultures Lp299v is the original, patented and examined in detail in a series of clinical trials and clinical practice. Lp299v in Serbia can be found only in Flobian® capsules. Flobian® is a unique product that contains probiotic culture Lp299v. This...

It all began as the need to save lives

It all began as the need to save lives

At the University of Lund in Sweden in the early 90s, a team of surgeons, microbiologists and nutritionists studied the cases in which patients die after a heavy, but clinically successful surgical procedure. All of these patients have died due to sepsis and massive...

Flobian – Calms intestines, relieves gas and stomach cramps

Flobian – Calms intestines, relieves gas and stomach cramps

Why I look so satisfied? Because I have been using Flobian and I solved the problem with cramps, gases and bloating in the stomach. Earlier, when I get cramps, I could not even stand still! A friend of mine recommended Flobian, I use it regularly and I feel great. I...