A long-term solution
For gas, bloating and stomach cramps

Irritable colon

Resistant to acid environment

Goes with antibiotics

100% Natural
Discovery probiotic cultures Lp229v
Probiotic cultures Lp299v is the original, patented and examined in detail in a series of clinical trials and clinical practice. Lp299v in Serbia can be found only in Flobian® capsules. Flobian® is a unique product that contains probiotic culture Lp299v. This...
It all began as the need to save lives
At the University of Lund in Sweden in the early 90s, a team of surgeons, microbiologists and nutritionists studied the cases in which patients die after a heavy, but clinically successful surgical procedure. All of these patients have died due to sepsis and massive...
Flobian – Calms intestines, relieves gas and stomach cramps
Why I look so satisfied? Because I have been using Flobian and I solved the problem with cramps, gases and bloating in the stomach. Earlier, when I get cramps, I could not even stand still! A friend of mine recommended Flobian, I use it regularly and I feel great. I...